1/21/19 New photo and description,
Copadichromis geertsi.
7/25/18 New description,
compressiceps "Muzi"; new photo
Lipochromis melanopterus
7/13/16 New description,
Lipochromis melanopterus;
new photos, Ectodus descampsii
and Otopharynx
lithobates "Zimbawe Rocks".
7/12/15 New photos
Lipochromis cf parvidens
and Tropheus duboisi "Maswa"
5/1/15 New photo and description,
Altolamprologus calvus "Congo
1/10/15 New photo and description,
Lethrinops sp. "deep malopa".
10/09/14 New photo and description,
"Haplochromis" thereuterion.
8/15/14 New photo and descrption,
Ectodus descampsii; new
photo, Labeotropheus
7/01/14 New photo and description,
Tanganicodus irascae.
6/12/14 New photo and description,
Cyprichormis microlepidotus 'bulu'; new photos,
Metriaclima tarakiki,
Labidochromis sp. "hongi',
Julidochromis transcriptus 'gombi', and
Neolamprologus leluepi.
1/24/14 New photo and description,
omnicaeruleus "makobe" and new photo,
'Haplochromis' sp. "ruby".
8/20/13 New description,
Labidochromis sp. "zebra lundo"
and new photo,
Cynotilapia sp. "hara gallireya".
6/20/13 New description,
Pundamilia sp. "red flank"
5/1/13 New description,
Thoracochromis brauschi, and
new photos Lipochromis cf
parvidens and Pundamilia
sp. "crimson tide".
2/15/13 New photos,
Lipochromis sp. "parvidens
Placidochromis sp"phenochilus tanzania",
Tropheus duboisi "maswa"
1/01/13 New photos,
Auloocara sp. "ruby red",
Metriaclima sp. "slim/compact
zebra", Triglachromis
6/01/12 New photo,
Metriaclima sp. "slim/compact
5/01012 New photo and description,
Xystichromis sp. "Kyoga
4/01/12 New photos and descriptions,
calliptera and
Pundamilia sp. "crimson tide".
1/01/11 New photo and description,
Lepidiolamprologus boulengeri.
2/01/10 New photos,
trewavasae "albino marmalade cat", and
Metriaclima aurora "albino".
6/15/09 New photo and description,
Astatotilapia burtoni,
Otopharynx tetraspilus,
Pundamilia nyererei "Mwanza red",
Telmatochromis sp. "orange scribble".
5/01/09 New photo and description,
Platytaeniodus sp. "red
tail sheller" and
Cynotilapia afra "Hai Reef".
4/01/09 New photo and description,
Cyphotilapia frontosa.
New photos, Aulonocara
stuartgranti "maulana",
Aulonocara stuartgranti
"cobue", and Labeotropheus
fuelleborni "marmalade cat".
3/01/09 New photos and descriptions,
compressiceps "Lufubu red fin" and
Pseudotropheus sp.
"elongatus Chewere".
2/10/09 New photo
Neolamprologus falcicula.
12/17/08 New photos and descriptions,
Metriaclima hajomaylandi,
Chilotilapia rhoadesii,
Neolamprologus sp. "helianthus".
11/10/08 New photos and descriptions,
Aristochromis christyi,
Otopharynx lithobates
"yellow blaze Zimbawe Rock",
Labeotropheus trewavasae "red
stripe Manda", and
Metriaclima sp. "blue dolphin".
9/20/08 New photos and descriptions,
Exochromis anagenys, and
Cyphotilapia gibberosa. New photos,
Aulonocara stuartgranti "ngara",
Placidochromis sp. "phenochilus
tanzania", and 'Lamprologus' brevis "ikola sunspot".
6/20/08 Large update. New photos and
descriptions, Tropheus sp.
"black" Kiriza, Neolamprologus
ventralis, Boulengerochromis
microlepis, "Lamprologus"
speciosus, "Lamprologus"
brevis "Katabe", Pseudotropheus
sp. "blue dolphin",
Cynotilapia sp. "mbweca",
stuartgranti "blue neon",
elongatus "jewelspot", New photos,
Placidochromis electra,
Julidochromis marlieri,
Pseudotropheus saulosi,
Aulonocara sp. "lwanda",
Cynotilapia sp.
"white top" Galireya Reef,
Placidochromis sp.
"phenochilus tanzania"; Moving again; Cleveland, OH for a year.
Plan to visit and photo local hobbyist fishrooms. Stay tuned for
2/01/08 New photo and description,
jacobfreibergi "albino eureka red".
1/01/08 New photo and description,
Tropheops Tropheops
12/01/07 New photo and description,
Pundamilia sp. "redhead".
11/07/07 New photo and description,
cyaneorhabdos, and re-sized photos of
Labeotropheus trewavasae
"mpanga red".
10/01/07 New photo and description,
Neolamprologus falcicula.
9/01/07 New photo and description,
Metriaclima sp. "membe deep".
8/01/07 New photos and descriptions,
Julidochromis dickfeldi, and
Neolamprologus sexfasciatus.
7/01/07 New photo and description,
"Haplochromis" sp. "fire
red Uganda",
5/01/07 New photo and description,
stuartgranti "maulana".
3/1/07 New photo and description,
Neolamprologus marunguensis.
2/1/07 New photo and description,
Melanochromis labrosus.
1/01/07 New photos,
Paralabidochromis chromogynos,
and new photo gallery
Something Fishy Inc.
Shop Tour (part II).
12/01/06 New photo and description,
Cynotilapia sp.
"white top hara" Galireya Reef, and new photos,
Neolamprologus buescheri
"zaire gold".
11/02/06 New photo gallery,
leptosoma "malasa"
11/01/06 New photo and description,
Pundamilia nyererei
"makobe", and new photos,
Pseudotropheus sp. "red
top ndumbi".
10/07/06 New photo gallery,
Something Fishy Inc.
[Cleveland, OH] Shop Tour.
10/01/06 New photo and description,
Aulonocara sp. "albino
ruby red" and new photos
Neolamprologus brichardi
"Fulwe" and
Astatotilapia latifasciata.
9/01/06 New resource added,
Carolina Cichlid Forum, to
facilitate communication among cichlid keepers in the Southeast;
everyone may participate!
8/10/06 New photo and description,
Cyprichromis leptosoma
8/01/06 New photo gallery,
2006 American
Cichlid Association Show.
7/01/06 New photo gallery,
Lithochromis rufus.
5/31/06 New article and images,
Lepidiolamprologus kendalli
versus Lepidiolamprologus nkambae.
4/23/06 New photo gallery,
Busch Gardens
Tampa Hippo Exhibit, and new photo,
Metriaclima zebra "Chilumba".
3/7/06 New photo and description,
Pseudotropheus sp. "zebra long pelvic" Galireya Reef, and new photo,
trewavasae "marmalade cat".
2/1/06 New photo and description,
Paralabidochromis chromogynos.
1/3/06 New photo gallery,
Pseudotropheus pulpican.
12/21/05 New photo and description,
Neolamprologus tetracanthus.
11/22/05 New photo and description,
Pseudotropheus sp. "flameback".
10/28/05 New photo and description,
Placidochromis sp.
"electra superior".
9/27/05 New photos,
Aulonocara sp. "lwanda", and
Tropheus sp. black "bulu point".
8/23/05 New gallery,
Labeotropheus trewavasae
"mpanga red", photo additions,
Xenotilapia sp.
"ochrogenys ndole", and
"Lamprologus" ocellatus "gold".
7/10/05 New photo and description,
Cynotilapia afra "lumbila".
6/20/05 Photo additions,
Labidochromis sp. "red-top
5/15/05 New photo and description,
Pseudotropheus sp.
"kingsizei lupingu".
4/25/05 New photos,
Enantiopus sp. kilesa, and
Julidochromis regani "kipili"
3/22/05 New photos and descriptions,
Lipochromis parvidens "red",
and "Haplochromis" sp. "ruby
3/05/05 New photo and description,
Ophthalmotilapia boops
2/15/05 New photo and description,
Pseudotropheus sp.
"zebra long pelvic" Mdoka, and new photo,
Astatotilapia nubila.
2/01/05 New photos and descriptions,
Pseudotropheus pulpican (aka Ps.
kingsizei "likoma blue frost"),
Aulonocara sp. "ruby
red", and Neolamprologus sp.
"helianthus". New photo gallery,
Pundamilia igneopinnis
1/15/05 New photo gallery,
Metriaclima sp.
"slim/compact zebra", and new photos,
Neolamprologus pulcher
"daffodil" and Neolamprologus
12/15/04 New photo and description,
Synodontis multipunctatus.
11/27/04 New photo and description,
Paralabidochromis sp.
"redfin piebald".
10/15/04 New photo and description,
Neolamprologus brichardi "fulwe".
9/18/04 New photo and descriptions,
Labidochromis sp. "mbamba", and
Metriaclima sp. "slim/compact
5/01/04 New photo and description,
Xenotilapia sp.
"ochrogenys ndole" and new photo,
Labeotropheus fuelleborni
sided marmalade cat"
4/15/04 New photo and description,
"Lamprologus" ocellatus
4/01/04 New photo and description,
fainzilberi "goldbreast"
3/15/04 New photo gallery,
Ptyochromis sp. "hippo
point salmon"
3/01/04 New photo and description,
Placidochromis sp.
"phenochilus tanzania"
2/15/04 New photos and descriptions,
nigripinnis and Petrotilapia
sp. "small blue".
2/01/04 New photos and descriptions,
trewavasae "tumbi reef" and
jacobfreibergi "eureka red".
1/15/04 New photo and description,
Opthalmotilapia nasuta
"mukosa orange".
2003 Archive |